星期一, 9月 11, 2017

{ 波特蘭 } 咬一口蘋果酒 Cider Bite

Cider Bite is the first of its kind Hard Cider Taphouse in Oregon, featuring 32 ciders on tap. Customers can choose to enjoy their ciders in either half-pints (8oz), pints (16oz), flights (either four or six 5oz tasters), or growler (64oz) or growlette (32oz) fills. Cider Bite also offers a modest and delicious apple-focused food menu. For those non-cider drinkers that may be joining you, Cider Bite has a small selection of beer, wine, champagne, and non-alcoholic cider and soda options.
(via http://ciderbite.com/)

“To be a great food city, it helps to have a large body of water nearby, a classic dish or three, and a population with a fondness for drink." 
- Tom Sietsema, The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/
菜單,佐餐的是本地自釀啤酒,這麼形容波特蘭或許有些誇飾,但絕非胡謅,在我來波特蘭的第一天,巧遇了一個小小的藝術市集,參加了週末的大型農夫市集,喝到精釀蘋果酒,於是我知道這是個充滿魔力的城市 ,有很多值得挖掘的店。

Cider Bite,賣的是精釀蘋果酒,使用美國不同城市出產的蘋果,搭配不同水果創造出各種有趣的風味,偏甜、偏酸、帶有莓果風味、帶有馬達加斯加香草風味⋯⋯,多達32種口味的tap cider,分為half-pints (8oz), pints (16oz), flights (四或六種的 5oz), growler (64oz) or growlette (32oz)幾種尺寸,朋友和我分享了一組flights,在點餐之前可以要求試喝,一人限兩種口味。

- Pineapple
- Sweet Aged Apple
- Perry 
- The Anvil (Bourbon) 
   成熟大人風的apple cider,帶有威士忌的澀和一點點煙燻風味,口感乾爽,十分有趣

精釀啤酒在台灣已經紅了一段時間,台虎的啜飲室、掌門的 taphouse、比較有歷史的金色三麥⋯⋯,還有更多非連鎖的啤酒店,但專賣 cider 的店倒是還沒出現,期待未來能在台灣見到類似的店,許多女生不喜歡啤酒花的苦味,但蘋果酒完全沒問題!


Cider Bite
1230 NW Hoyt St.
Portland, OR 97209

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