Maybe some of you already found that I created a hashtag, #cookwithoutkitchen, on Instagram. It's basically about what I cook and eat in my tiny space, with only one small electric hot pot and an oven which is just big enough for two toasts. That's the cheapest oven I could find in the shop, only 500 NTD (17$). Anyway, I'm going to share some tips of preparing simple, tasty, healthy SALAD that I have every morning.
1. 均衡飲食 Balanced Diet
I don't do that clean eating for every meal, and I'm not on a diet, just trying to be healthier. I still eat meat, sweets, snacks, basically all kinds of food. But for breakfast, I like to prepare by myself. Lots of fruit, fibre, whole grain, some good oil and protein. The point is to be BALANCED, so only salad or fruit is not enough. I want a cup of milk, an egg, or some plain yogurt.
2. 自製沙拉醬 Homemade Salad Dressing
- 酸:紅酒醋、巴薩米可醋、蘋果醋、甚至是白醋都是不錯的選擇,我通常使用檸檬汁當做基底。
- 油脂:油脂的特性能讓沙拉的口感更順口,我最常用初榨橄欖油,也試過石垣島辣油,那種麻中帶點炒白芝麻的香氣超級開胃,如果醬料中已經有潤口的要素也可以跳過油脂這一步。
- 鹹:鹽,什麼鹽都可以,鹹可以提味應該大家都知道。
- 甜:甜味能當作酸味的緩衝,我會在油醋醬裡加一點蜂蜜,楓糖也是不錯的選擇,會讓醬汁帶點煙燻味、堅果香。甜味能讓沙拉變得更好吃,讓人覺得自己不是那麼像羊在吃草。
- 額外的調味:最常見的是黑胡椒,每次看奧利佛做菜,鹽跟胡椒幾乎是密不可分了,我自己使用的是彩色胡椒,香氣比黑胡椒豐富些。乾燥香草也是很好用的廚房好朋友,沒有新鮮香草就去全聯買罐小磨坊。
The soul of salad is DRESSING. Without dressing, it is just a plate of boring vegetable. Good dressing makes me feel less like sheep eating grasses. There are various kinds of dressing you can find in supermarket, but I prefer making it by myself. Here are the essential constituents that I always put in my dressing:
- Acid: Red wine vinegar, Balsamic vinegar, fruit vinegar are all good options for the taste of acid. And I usually use fresh lemon juice as a base.
- Oil: The smoothness can bring everything together. I like to add extra virgin olive oil, and I have tried chili oil called 石垣島ラー油, which is full of smell of roasted white sesame that brings some Chinese taste.
- Salty: Salt. Salt. Any kinds of salt.
- Sweet: Sweetness can balance the intense acid taste. I like to add some honey in my dressing. You can also use maple syrup. It'll bring some nutty, smoky flavor.
- Seasoning: Pepper is the most commonly seen spice, and it usually comes with salt. What I always use is colorful pepper which I think is more flavorful than black pepper. Adding dried herbs is a very good way to level up your dressing, too.
3. 備料 Ready to Cook
Salad is the easiest dish in the world. It can be entry-level or very fancy. If you want your salad to be fancy, but you don't want to be late for that caramelized mushroom. Remember, prepare the ingredients beforehand. Ingredients that take time to cook, such as boiled eggs, potatoes, beetroots. I usually cook them a day before, and preserve them in lock&lock. Keeping for three days or longer is ok as long as your refrigerator works.
- 懶人檸檬沙拉醬:檸檬汁、初榨橄欖油、芥末籽、胡椒、鹽、蜂蜜、少許水
- 健康版凱薩醬:無糖優格、乾燥香草、鹽、胡椒
Just make it as you like.
Hope you enjoy healthy life.
- Lazy Lemon Dressing: lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, whole grain mustard, pepper, salt, honey and a bit water.
- Nonfat Caesar Dressing: plain yogurt, dried herbs, salt and pepper.