星期二, 12月 23, 2014

{ 食譜 } 聖誕薑餅 Christmassy Gingerbread

    The recipe is really good. I'm not a ginger lover, but the ginger flavor is not too strong here. The sweetness comes from brown sugar and honey, so it won't be too sweet. And it comes with some lemon flavor because I add lemon zest into the dough. Also the lemon juice brings some sourness to the icing. All my friends love it. 


中筋麵粉 all-purpose flour  300 g
烘焙粉 baking powder  1.5 T
小蘇打粉 baking soda  0.5 t
鹽 salt 0.5 t
無鹽奶油(室溫軟化) unsalted butter  90 g
黑糖 brown sugar  3/4 cup (黑糖容易受潮結塊,所以可以用一杯的量過篩,會剩下約3/4杯)
蛋 egg  1顆
蜂蜜 honey  0.5 cup
肉桂粉 ground ginger  1.5 t
薑粉 ground ginger  0.5 t
檸檬皮 lemon zest  1顆的外皮
糖霜(royal icing)
糖粉 icing sugar  55 g
蛋白粉 meringue powder  5 g  
檸檬汁 lemon juice  1 t
溫水 warm water  適量 depends

Mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger, and lemon zest.

In a large bowl, beat together butter and brown sugar.

Add egg and continue mixing.

Add honey, and mix until well-blended.

Gradually stir in dry ingredients until blended and smooth.

Wrap the mixed dough, and let it stand at room temperature for an hour.

Divide the dough and roll to about 4 mm. The thinner it is, the crispier it will be.
I rolled it between two baking sheets, so I don't need to clean floured surface later. 

 烤箱預熱180 °C,餅乾間要保持2公分間隔
Preheat oven to 180°C. Space cookies 2 cm apart.

Mix together icing sugar, meringue powder ,and lemon juice. Gradually add warm water.  If necessary, to get the right consistency, add more powdered sugar or water. The icing needs to be used immediately or transferred to an airtight container as royal icing hardens when exposed to air. 

Don't draw the cookies until they cool completely.
The icing will become hard after ten minutes

These are my Christmas cards for this year.

