ST. JOHN BREAD and WINE reflects the rhythms of its locale whilst observing the same respect for seasonal, indigenous ingredients and "the whole beast" as the bigger sister restaurant. Opening for breakfast, lunch and supper seven days a week, this branch very much beats its own drum with a menu structured towards a slightly less formal manner of dining, with guests actively encouraged to share dishes as they're ready from the kitchen.
星期日, 9月 04, 2016
{ 倫敦 } 從鼻子吃到尾巴—聖約翰餐酒 ST. JOHN BREAD and WINE
ST. JOHN BREAD and WINE reflects the rhythms of its locale whilst observing the same respect for seasonal, indigenous ingredients and "the whole beast" as the bigger sister restaurant. Opening for breakfast, lunch and supper seven days a week, this branch very much beats its own drum with a menu structured towards a slightly less formal manner of dining, with guests actively encouraged to share dishes as they're ready from the kitchen.
星期三, 3月 23, 2016
{ 倫敦 } HOUSE OF VANS / 滑鐵盧車站底下的滑板基地
Hi people ~Miss J is back
果然不出所料, 距離第一篇發文已隔半年之久....
但J 希望能去蕪存菁 也不想濫竽充數so~ (這明顯是怠惰的藉口)
Then let's get into the topic!
就在在幾週前,無意間在Archidaily網站上發現到 House of Vans,
開幕於2014,由美國街頭運動品牌Vans所創立的mixed use空間,
星期三, 1月 13, 2016
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